How to make clear ice cubes with true cubes

  1. Insert the top silicone tray into the bottom silicone tray and place both trays together into the outer insulated box.

  2. Pour regular tap water into the tray up to the fill line which is indicated on the top silicone tray.

  3. Place the tray on a level position in the freezer.

  4. Freeze for 18-20 hours.

Removing ice Cubes From the Silicone Tray

The easiest and best way to remove the cubes is to freeze the tray for only 18-20 hours. At this stage, the top silicone tray is frozen while the bottom is slushy which makes removal of the cubes very easy:

1. Remove both silicone trays from the insulated box using the tabs.

2. The top tray should easily lift away from the bottom tray— leaving behind the soft, slushy ice in the bottom tray.

3. Pop the clear cubes out of the top tray and use in your favorite drink!

If freezing the cubes for exactly 18-20 hours is not feasible and the silicone trays are completely frozen:

1. Remove both silicone trays from the insulated box using the tabs.

2. Thaw at room temperature for 10–15 minutes and/or run warm water on the outside of the silicone tray for ±1 minute.

3. Peel the outside tray down (like a banana peel).

4. Run warm water over the now-exposed bottom cubes to melt the bottom tray ice away allowing the top tray to release from the bottom.

5. Crack the True Cubes® apart like a regular ice cube tray.

6. If necessary, let the tray sit for a few minutes to thaw before cracking. Do not hit the top tray on a counter as this may shatter the cubes.

Prior to use, allow a True Cubes® ice cube to sit out at room temperature for 1–2 minutes to avoid “ice shock”, where a sudden change in temperature will crack an otherwise clear ice cube.

 Do not use a knife, or other sharp object, to remove the cubes.

additional tips and tricks

  • Using “extra hot” tap water may improve clarity of the cubes. This may add a few extra hours to the recommended freezing time.

  • Tap water is recommended. Distilled, reverse osmosis, or well water may not produce the best cubes. The process in which the tray works will actually naturally purify the water in the clear cubes so using tap water will make cubes that are visually stunning and also almost as pure as distilled water so you taste the drink, not the cubes.

  • If tap water does not produce perfectly clear cubes, combine the tap water in equal parts with bottled water. In most cases, this is unnecessary.

  • After filling the tray with water, tap it on the counter to release as many air bubbles as possible before freezing. Also, running a straw (or other similar object) along the interior walls of the top tray to release air bubbles will also help improve the final clarity.

A disassembled True Cubes ice tray for making crystal clear ice cubes

How to clean the true cubes tray

  • When necessary, use a soft cloth with warm soapy water to clean. Do not wash any part of the tray in a dishwasher.

  • Wash thoroughly before first use.

  • It is not recommended to completely submerge the outer insulation box in water.

A True Cubes ice tray next to a cocktail with crystal clear True Cubes ice inside of it